What I’ve Learned About Love

Today’s writing prompt, which I shouldn’t be answering, since I have freelance work to do, is What have you learned in your life about love?

Over my 64 years, I have learned that you can love someone fiercely but not come close to understanding them.

I’ve learned that you need to tell your loved ones that you love them. You may never have another chance to do so.

I’ve learned that I never tire of hearing my husband tell me he loves me. He can show me all day long, which he often does, but it is so sweet to hear those words, especially at the end of a long day.

I’ve learned the meaning of unconditional love through raising children. I never appreciated my parents for their unwavering encouragement until I sat through my child’s first band concert (and it was so bad that I couldn’t help laughing… I felt like a horrible mom!).

I’ve learned that people deserve second, third, and 50th chances for most things.

I’ve learned how wrong that line from Love Story is: “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” That is just wrong. Love means forever saying you’re sorry (and doing something about it) and forgiving the other person at least 70 times 7 (who’s counting?).

I’ve learned that often people don’t know how to show they love you and that sometimes you just have to accept that.

I’ve learned that teenage crushes are powerful and that you should never make fun of them.

I’ve learned that the apostle Paul was right when he said, “I have learned in whatever state I’m in to be content.” If I was going through a dry spell when I didn’t have a love interest, I learned to accept it and still believe that someday I would find the person or persons I loved.

I’ve learned that love lasts beyond death. I also have learned that you never get over the death of someone you love; you just learn to cope with living without them.

I’ve learned that I’m really lucky to have the family I had growing up.

What have you learned in your life about love?